“By crawling, a child learns to
stand” (Nigerian Proverb)

A child does not start running or jumping immediately when
he/she is born. Every child must pass through certain natural processes before
sitting without support, crawling, standing, walking, and then running. Our
ancestors believe that just as a child learns as he/she passes through each
stage before progressing to the next stage, we can also learn from the process.
Whatever you are going through today at work, home, society
or anywhere you find yourself is a process that will lead you to another stage
in life. So, instead of complaining about how you could be in such a mess or
situation, it is better for you to take time to learn so as to quickly move to
the next level.
Never compare yourself with someone else; just as our fingerprints
are different, so also is our journey in life. The person you see on top today
may be below tomorrow and that man beneath you today may become a celebrity
tomorrow. Every stage has a special test for you; take time to learn and study
hard for the test, if you don’t pass the test prepared by nature, you can’t
move to the next level.
If you have never failed in life before, you can’t appreciate
the beauty of success. If you had never been disappointed or rejected for
something you truly believe in, you may not understand the significance and
feeling of acceptance and approval. If you have never been poor, hungry,
helpless, jobless, hopeless or lonely, when you meet someone in such plight you
may just conclude that it is his/her fault to be in such situation.
As from today, whenever you find yourself in a situation
that makes you feel as if you are crawling, take time to learn instead of
complaining and be patient enough until you see yourself standing. Have a
fulfilling week. Keep moving till the ancestors reach out to you next week.
Don't start your week without a word
from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign
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or Instagram, email:wordsofourancestors@gmail.com or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!