‘A cockroach knows how to sing and dance, but it is the hen that prevents it from performing its art during the day’

No matter how healthy or stubborn a cockroach is, it is always a prey to the hen. The existence of a hen is usually a threat to the kingdom of cockroach; even the king-cockroach trembles.
Yes, the cockroach can fly, dance and entertain other cockroaches, but when the ‘almighty hen’ approaches, everything changes. Only the fittest survives.
At times in life, many of us could be related to a cockroach. Some of us are very creative, skillful, knowledgeable, attractive, talented, entertaining, powerful or wealthy. So, like the cockroach, we fly, talk, sing, dance, write, lead, think and do many things to impress people. Some of us are so much engrossed in exhibiting the skills that we possess that we forget to acknowledge the existence of the ‘almighty hen’.
No matter how skillful, intelligent, knowledgeable, wise, rich or powerful you are at home, school, work or in the world today, there is always a hen you have not encountered. Every cockroach that exists on earth today has a hen attached to it by nature. So, as cockroaches, we need to be mindful of what we do; how we do, when we do and where we do several things in life. Our ancestors believe that there is always a time for the cockroach and a time for the hen. If a cockroach refuses to wait for its time, it may end up being swallowed by the hen.
As from today, whenever you feel like being the best husband, the best wife, the most influential person, the greatest musician, the richest person on earth, the best student, the most powerful leader or the most respected person in your career or field of interest, always remember that there is a hen around you. So, wait for your time.
A cockroach knows how to sing and dance, but it is the hen that prevents it from performing its art during the day. Your time is here! The hen can’t hold you forever.
Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: wordsofourancestors@gmail.com. May your days be plenty!
hmmmmmm. Never thought this way before. Thanks Ancestors.