Sunday 18 November 2012


‘The fish that can see that its water is getting shallower cannot be stranded’

It is natural for a fish to swim, eat, mate, reproduce and live in the water.  Any fish that suddenly finds itself on a dry land can be regarded as a stranded fish.  This means that a stranded fish is not only a fish that has nothing to eat but a fish that is deprived of its source of livelihood.

Our ancestors believe that it is not all the fishes in a river that are sensitive to their environment. Some of them do not bother to know when the water in the river gets shallow or otherwise. It is only the fish that is sensitive enough to understand that the water in the river is getting shallower that can never be stranded.

Many of us live our lives like the fishes in the river. We eat, drink, merry, play around, socialize with people and enjoy swimming in the river of life without being sensitive to the source of the water. Some of us cannot easily differentiate when our river becomes shallow from the time that it becomes deep. Some of us are easily carried away with the fun and enjoyment in life that we forget to be sensitive to the source of our livelihood; and at the end, we become stranded.

A stranded person is not only the person that has no money or food to eat but a person that has lost his/her source of livelihood. You do not become stranded in a day; before your river runs dry, there must have been some indications that would alert you about the impending danger ahead of you. If you choose not to be sensitive to your source of income and start living your life according to what you have, you may soon be stranded.

As from today, always endeavor to study your source of income, develop some principles for yourself and watch the way you expend your resources. Remember, it is only the fish that can see that its water is getting shallower that cannot be stranded.

May the ancestors give you the eyes to see and understand your environment and may you not be stranded in life.

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