‘It is better to do what is right than to do big things’ (Gambia-Mandinka)

There is nothing as big as doing the right thing for the right person at the right time. No matter how big you start, if your foundation is not based on the right principles, you may soon fall greatly.
As from today, don’t be bothered about the size, quantity, propensity, volume, status or any physical measure of whatever you do or give to humanity. As long as you continue to do the right things rightly, nothing else in the world would pull you down.
Instead of giving the same excuse of insufficient resources to do something big; today, try to do something in the right way (no matter how small or insignificant it is), then watch as it becomes bigger. There is no big deal anywhere; you only need one deal, that right deal that would propel you to the world of wonders. Go for it now!
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