‘The man on his feet carries off the share of the man sitting down’ (Guinea Bissau)

There is a very big difference between someone who sits and someone who stands. It takes a lot of physical strength to keep standing on one’s feet. Apart from the strength, you need to be mentally alert while you stand. This explains why people rarely sleep while they are on their feet. So, anyone who stands is in a good position to move, run or jump at any time.
On the other hand, anyone who sits has to stand before he/she could move, run or jump. This means that if you stand, you are a step ahead of anyone who sits.
In life, if you always strive to be ahead of others, it shows how prepared you are for success. You may never get the best out of life if all you do is to sit, relax and expect a sudden miracle in your life. It is only the people who are prepared for success that nature allows to get the best in life.
Don’t be deceived, any good thing that comes to you suddenly or mistakenly may soon disappear suddenly. If the wealth, luxury, position, property, fame or reputation that you have today came to you impromptu (i.e. without a proper preparation from you), you may soon be disappointed by nature because in no time, you may suddenly or mistakenly lose it.
As from today, endeavor to do whatever you ought to do in order to be the best you had always wanted to be in life. Keep working; don’t mind the stress as long as it is targeted towards the best. Don’t just sit back and relax while the day is still young. Come on, STAND UP and MOVE!
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