dies out if it is not observed by both sides” (Uganda)
Before relating with anyone today, ask yourself ‘am
I kind enough?’
Over the years, your creator had been so kind to you
for giving you the gift of life (even in many situations that you prove to Him
that you do not deserve to live). No matter how bad, evil, cruel, hostile and
ungrateful you are, He keeps extending His kindness to you. When last did you
thank Him for His kindness?
The best way for you to reciprocate His kindness is
to be kind to others. Don’t wait until people show you love before you believe
that love exists. Nothing stops you from being the first person to show the
world that true love exists. Show love to the people around you today. When
last have you told your parents, partner, friends, siblings, spouse, employers,
clients or neighbours that you love them or that you really appreciate them for
being part of your life?
Do you say ‘thank you’ to your maids, employees,
cook, drivers, teachers and many other people who offer you quality services?
Try it this week and see how it works. Remember, ‘kindness dies out if it is
not observed by both sides’.
Don't start your week
without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the
wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: wordsofourancestors@gmail.com.
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be plenty!
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