“Greet everyone
cordially when you don’t know who your in-laws are going to be” (Madagascar)

Greeting is an integral part of the African culture. It is our beauty, identity and heritage. As Africans, we believe that greeting doesn’t diminish your status or make people disrespect you. No matter how you demonstrate (either by kneeling or prostrating) while you greet, people around you would appreciate and respect you for your humility.
However, it is observed that some people choose to greet people based on their mood or personal perspectives relating to the people they greet. So they end up greeting some people genuinely while they either greet some other people sluggishly or they don’t greet at all.
Our ancestors believe that greetings should be expressed cordially. In life there are no permanent friends and there are no permanent enemies. Your close friend today may soon become your chief enemy while your enemy today may be your guiding angel tomorrow.
Instead of relating anyhow to people around you because of their status today, why not think about tomorrow. Change is constant to life; things, people, priorities and policies change every day. Always ensure that you maintain cordial relationship with the people that nature brings around you; you may need them someday. Try to understand that as human, we all have our differences, take time to relate with people based on your understanding of their peculiarity.
When last did you cheerfully greet your driver, gate man, cleaner, maid, cook or those who work for you? As from today, learn to greet everyone cordially because you don’t know who your in-laws are going to be.
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