“Ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off” (Ashanti Proverb)
The ears and the head are one because the ears are firmly attached to the head. Whatever happens to the head practically affects the ears because they are always together. As small as they may appear, the ears are responsible for listening to and receiving verbal messages that may be useful or harmful to the other parts of the body.
As human, wherever we find ourselves in life, we may be positioned by nature to be the ear for many others around us. You may be the ear of your family, organization, society or group. As the ear, if you fail to heed to advice and carry others along with the information that you have got, you may end up facing the consequences with the rest of your group.
Never take any information for granted; be loyal, obedient, patient and proactive. Don’t wait until things start falling apart before you start yielding to advice. A listening ear and obedient heart work wonders; they may save you and many others around you from unexpected calamity.
So, whenever you find yourself resisting the counsel or advice of those who set many things aside so as not to see you thread the path of destruction, remember the words of our ancestors for today. May your week be fruitful! Keep listening till the ancestors reach out to you next week.
Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or Instagram, email:wordsofourancestors@gmail.com or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!
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