Monday 21 March 2016


“A man who uses force is afraid of reasoning” (Kenya)

Force is the process of using violent physical action to obtain or achieve something while reasoning is the process of thinking about things in a logical way before reacting; opinions, ideas that are based on logical thinking.

Our ancestors believe that the best way to deal or relate with other people is not by force but by reasoning. Those who rely on obtaining things by force usually fail to consider viewing things from the perspective of the people/person that they relate with. In most cases, things that are acquired by force are against the fundamental human right; hence the process of acquiring it becomes unlawful.

It takes a mature mind to be rational. Reasoning commands more respect and accolade than force. Life is better lived when people consider things from different perspectives before taking vital decisions. Instead of also considering viewing life from the lenses of others, many feeble men choose to be sentimental by doing things their way, regardless of other people’s consent.

As from today, learn not to force your way to stardom, fame, wealth, power, position, marriage, success and any other things in life. If you truly want it and you think you deserve it, let it come naturally by reasoning. Don’t be a coward! Don’t force it! Let it just flow.

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