Friday 20 September 2019


“A fight between grasshoppers is joy to the crow” …Lesotho Proverb

A grasshopper is a common prey to the crow. Just as rats are to cats, so also are grasshoppers to crows. There are few things we may learn from these two wonderful creatures today.

A grasshopper is an insect that has the natural ability to fly while a crow is a kind of bird that also has the natural ability to fly. If you've ever tried to catch a grasshopper, you know how far they can jump to flee danger. If humans could jump the way grasshoppers do, we would be able to easily leap the length of a football field. How do these insects jump so far? It's all in those big, back legs. A grasshopper's hind legs function like miniature catapults. In preparation for a jump, the grasshopper contracts its large flexor muscles slowly, bending its hind legs at the knee joint. A special piece of cuticle within the knee acts as a spring, storing up all the potential energy. The grasshopper then relaxes its leg muscles, allowing the spring to release its energy and fling the insect into the air.

Because grasshoppers have such powerful jumping legs, people sometimes don't realize that they also have wings. Grasshoppers use their jumping ability to give them a boost into the air but most are pretty strong fliers and make good use of their wings to escape predators.  So it takes a smart and clever crow to chase and catch a grasshopper.

Our ancestors believe that when grasshoppers fight, they will be distracted and pay little or no attention to the presence of their chief enemy which is the crow. So, the crow would rejoice because the grasshoppers would be too easy to catch.

This is also applicable to us as human. There are some people who are constantly after our downfall, they see us as their competitor, they are usually envious of our success as we progress in life. These set of people may be our relations, colleagues at work, business associates, neighbours or people that are superior to us. Just as it takes a smart and clever crow to catch a grasshopper, our enemies strive hard every day to pull us down. Many of them try several tricks to ensure that they get ahead of us but our survival lies in our hands.

When there is discord within us, we get distracted and lose focus on the main goal which keeps us ahead of our competitors or enemies in life. Hence, we fall easily and cheaply in their hands. When we fight, we exert and burn energy that could have been used for something positive. It is always good to remain calm and peaceful even when things start falling apart. As from today, always stay away from trouble; you don’t need to fight before you can prove a point. At times, silence could be the only weapon to win a battle that could have ruined a generation of people. Beware, your enemies are waiting for your mistakes, don’t give them the chance to rejoice over your downfall. As we step out today, may we never make a deadly mistake.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Tuesday 3 April 2018


“Ears that do not listen to advice, accompany the head when it is chopped off” (Ashanti Proverb)

The ears and the head are one because the ears are firmly attached to the head. Whatever happens to the head practically affects the ears because they are always together. As small as they may appear, the ears are responsible for listening to and receiving verbal messages that may be useful or harmful to the other parts of the body.

As human, wherever we find ourselves in life, we may be positioned by nature to be the ear for many others around us. You may be the ear of your family, organization, society or group. As the ear, if you fail to heed to advice and carry others along with the information that you have got, you may end up facing the consequences with the rest of your group.

Never take any information for granted; be loyal, obedient, patient and proactive. Don’t wait until things start falling apart before you start yielding to advice. A listening ear and obedient heart work wonders; they may save you and many others around you from unexpected calamity.

So, whenever you find yourself resisting the counsel or advice of those who set many things aside so as not to see you thread the path of destruction, remember the words of our ancestors for today. May your week be fruitful!  Keep listening till the ancestors reach out to you next week.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or Instagram, or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Tuesday 20 February 2018


“One who causes others misfortune also teaches them wisdom” (Nigerian Proverb)

Is there someone in your life or around you who constantly puts you into trouble, antagonizes you, criticizes you or just there to make life miserable for you? It may be your boss at work, your spouse at home, your in-laws, your child, your colleague, your competitor, your lecturer at school or someone somewhere who you feel doesn’t just like you?

As from today, our ancestors want you to start changing your negative mindset towards such persons. You need to start seeing anyone who unconditionally wants to see your misfortune as your best teacher. If there are no such persons in your life or around you, you may not learn how to be careful, reasonable, observant and wise. You need to learn from every situation that they push you into and never try to retaliate or run away from them. Don’t make them your friend either but appreciate their presence in your life because without them, you may never learn how to move far in life.

As a single lady, if you learn how to manage and deal with a colleague at work or co-tenant who always wants to get on your nerves or push you into trouble, you won’t have problems if you encounter such person as your in-law later when you get married. If you had run away from your teachers while you were single, you may also have to run away from your marriage with your husband.

In any situation that you find yourself in life, never see those who cause you misfortunes as witches, wizards or your arc enemies; instead, see them as your best teachers who are meant to make you wise and fortified for the next level. May you never run away from your blessings in life. Keep calm till the ancestors reach out to you next week.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or Instagram, or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Monday 5 February 2018


“He who learns, teaches” (Ethiopian Proverb)

Of what value or use is whatever you learn if you can’t pass it across to others? By teaching others, you add more to your knowledge and experiences in life. At times, we think we have learnt some things in life which will raise our standard by keeping us ahead of others but by stooping low to communicate what we have learnt to others, we get to realize that our knowledge is shallow and inadequate.

Have you ever been in a situation where those you are meant to teach end up teaching you (directly or indirectly)? Life is filled with lessons, even in the process of teaching, we can learn. Don’t deprive yourself from any opportunity to learn and never put yourself in a situation where you would feel that what you have learnt is too big or deep to pass across to others. Nature truly rewards us for what we give and not for what we receive.

At the end of your journey in life, the world will celebrate you because of the values you have added to several lives, the lessons you have taught, your inventions and innovations for the humanity and for leaving the world better that you met it. You won’t be celebrated because of what you have learnt. Of what value is your knowledge when no one around you knows about it? As from today, learn how to activate your learning, don’t be selfish and don’t die with it. Whatever you have learnt is useless in the grave. May your days on earth be meaningful! Keep networking with others till the ancestors reach out to you next week.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or Instagram, or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Monday 29 January 2018


“By crawling, a child learns to stand” (Nigerian Proverb)

A child does not start running or jumping immediately when he/she is born. Every child must pass through certain natural processes before sitting without support, crawling, standing, walking, and then running. Our ancestors believe that just as a child learns as he/she passes through each stage before progressing to the next stage, we can also learn from the process.

Whatever you are going through today at work, home, society or anywhere you find yourself is a process that will lead you to another stage in life. So, instead of complaining about how you could be in such a mess or situation, it is better for you to take time to learn so as to quickly move to the next level.

Never compare yourself with someone else; just as our fingerprints are different, so also is our journey in life. The person you see on top today may be below tomorrow and that man beneath you today may become a celebrity tomorrow. Every stage has a special test for you; take time to learn and study hard for the test, if you don’t pass the test prepared by nature, you can’t move to the next level.
If you have never failed in life before, you can’t appreciate the beauty of success. If you had never been disappointed or rejected for something you truly believe in, you may not understand the significance and feeling of acceptance and approval. If you have never been poor, hungry, helpless, jobless, hopeless or lonely, when you meet someone in such plight you may just conclude that it is his/her fault to be in such situation.

As from today, whenever you find yourself in a situation that makes you feel as if you are crawling, take time to learn instead of complaining and be patient enough until you see yourself standing. Have a fulfilling week. Keep moving till the ancestors reach out to you next week.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or Instagram, or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Monday 21 March 2016


“A man who uses force is afraid of reasoning” (Kenya)

Force is the process of using violent physical action to obtain or achieve something while reasoning is the process of thinking about things in a logical way before reacting; opinions, ideas that are based on logical thinking.

Our ancestors believe that the best way to deal or relate with other people is not by force but by reasoning. Those who rely on obtaining things by force usually fail to consider viewing things from the perspective of the people/person that they relate with. In most cases, things that are acquired by force are against the fundamental human right; hence the process of acquiring it becomes unlawful.

It takes a mature mind to be rational. Reasoning commands more respect and accolade than force. Life is better lived when people consider things from different perspectives before taking vital decisions. Instead of also considering viewing life from the lenses of others, many feeble men choose to be sentimental by doing things their way, regardless of other people’s consent.

As from today, learn not to force your way to stardom, fame, wealth, power, position, marriage, success and any other things in life. If you truly want it and you think you deserve it, let it come naturally by reasoning. Don’t be a coward! Don’t force it! Let it just flow.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Monday 29 February 2016


“If things are getting easier, maybe you are headed downhill” (Ghana)

In the field of science, we understand that light comes as a result of connection between a positive force and negative force – such is life. Life isn’t fair at all, it is a combination of positive and negative forces.

You won’t appreciate beauty if you have never encountered ugliness, you won’t pray for riches if you had never experienced poverty; you can’t appreciate your creator for the gift of life if there is nothing like death. The juice of life is fully enjoyed when the opposing forces are richly blended.

Our ancestors believe that when things continuously get rosy for an individual, it is either the person is going downhill or nowhere at all. There is no progress without challenges; without challenges there won’t be a change.

As you progress in your pursuit for success in the journey of life, always check and observe the challenges at each stage, try hard to fight them till you get to the next stage. Welcome challenges, it is natural for them to come.

At any point in your life, if everything just suddenly becomes too easy for you, come on! Wake up! It’s either you are dreaming or lost in fantasy. May your road be rough!

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Monday 22 February 2016


“Greet everyone cordially when you don’t know who your in-laws are going to be” (Madagascar)

Greeting is an integral part of the African culture. It is our beauty, identity and heritage. As Africans, we believe that greeting doesn’t diminish your status or make people disrespect you. No matter how you demonstrate (either by kneeling or prostrating) while you greet, people around you would appreciate and respect you for your humility.

However, it is observed that some people choose to greet people based on their mood or personal perspectives relating to the people they greet. So they end up greeting some people genuinely while they either greet some other people sluggishly or they don’t greet at all.

Our ancestors believe that greetings should be expressed cordially. In life there are no permanent friends and there are no permanent enemies. Your close friend today may soon become your chief enemy while your enemy today may be your guiding angel tomorrow.

Instead of relating anyhow to people around you because of their status today, why not think about tomorrow. Change is constant to life; things, people, priorities and policies change every day. Always ensure that you maintain cordial relationship with the people that nature brings around you;  you may need them someday. Try to understand that as human, we all have our differences, take time to relate with people based on your understanding of their peculiarity.

When last did you cheerfully greet your driver, gate man, cleaner, maid, cook or those who work for you? As from today, learn to greet everyone cordially because you don’t know who your in-laws are going to be.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Sunday 20 December 2015


“When light enters the house, darkness removes itself” (Nigerian/Yoruba proverb)

Light and darkness are opposite forces. In the heart of darkness, there are cluelessness, gloom, misfortune, evil and hopelessness. Light, on the other hand illuminates and restores the hope lost in darkness.

Our ancestors expect us to always embrace light so as to be enlightened. We are also expected to serve as light in our neighbourhood, community, society, office and wherever we find ourselves.

Your presence as an individual is expected to brighten the lives of those who are around you. Always attract people and things that would illuminate and brighten your life; the more you walk in the path of light, the brighter you are.

However, there are some people, ideas, beliefs, rituals and lifestyle that may deem your light till it fades off. Never walk in the path of darkness because you may soon fall into a pit. Stay away from anyone or anything that doesn’t or won’t make your light shine. As from this week, start showing the world that you’ve got the light. Let there be light!

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Wednesday 18 November 2015


“The greatest remedy for anger is delay” (Kiswahili proverb)

Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something, usually combined with urge to harm. It is always very difficult to suppress one’s anger especially when it is at its peak.

However, our ancestors believe that of all forms of remedies in controlling anger, the greatest is delay. Before getting engulfed in the raging fire of anger, give yourself some minutes of silence. Instead of talking back, shouting, hitting something/someone or reacting to certain actions when angry, it is better to give yourself a break and walk away to ease the tension.

If only man could learn to delay before diving into the pool of anger, there wouldn’t have been war, riot, terrorism, insurgences, violence, divorce, etc.

When next you feel the urge of anger, consider the words of our ancestors for today. Remember, “the greatest remedy for anger is delay”. May you not wrath in the rage of your anger.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty! 

Tuesday 10 November 2015


“Far is where mother is; where there is the woman you love, you will expend all efforts, even to death, to get there". (Zimbabwe-Mozambique-Shona)

When last did you take time to visit your mum, dad, foster parents, siblings or loved ones? In most cases, it is not just enough to call them on phone; you need to pay them a special visit because they truly deserve it.  No matter how far these people are to you now, nothing should hold you back from moving out of your comfort zone to make them happy.

Our ancestors believe that nature usually bestows special blessings on us whenever we spend time with our loved ones. So, despite our busy daily schedule, let’s spare some time to make some people happy. You can’t tell how valuable your visit would be to those who are depressed, in need, in pain, isolated, bereaved, sick, etc.

Remember those who had been with you in the early days of your life; those whose contributions made you who you are today. Remember your critics; reach out to them, remember your junior colleagues, employees or those who render some services to you, show them some love by paying them a visit. Distance shouldn’t be an excuse, just do it with love.

So, who and who are you planning to visit this week? Remember to share your experience with us here. May your days be plenty!

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Sunday 1 November 2015


“He who needs a thing has to go and find it” (Ghanaian proverb) 

The world is filled with people who desire and expect people to do things for them. Most of us really wish we could get all what we want without much stress. Only few people are ready to pay the price. Often times, we expect our creator, the government, our religious leaders, teachers, parents, children, colleagues, neighbours or loved ones to provide certain things for us because we feel that we need and deserve those things.

Our ancestors believe that the key to greatness is in your ability to take up responsibility for yourself and going to find whatever you want. No matter how difficult it is to find whatever that you need, you must ensure that you get it.

Instead of thinking about how to persuade other people to help you, why not start thinking and planning on how to do it yourself. Even if people must help, it should be after you have taken the first bold step to doing it yourself.

Nature usually works in favour of the man who knows what he needs and takes the bold step to get it. No matter how long it takes, you can always get whatever you want if you make up your mind to get it. Try this today; get a pen and a piece of paper, write down your basic needs before the end of this year, put it under your pillow, check it every day and never relent until you find them out. Don’t forget to share your experience with the ancestors. May your days be meaningful.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Sunday 4 October 2015


“A man can never undo his past. Can zebras wipe away their stripes?” (Namibian Proverb)

You may change the way you look, the place you stay, your friends, what you eat or drink, the way you talk...but you can never change your past. However, your past remains your past, it is not you.

Our ancestors believe that whatever we do today eventually turns out to be our past tomorrow. So, if you choose to be good, invest your time on things that add value to your life and the life of people around you. Keep good friends, help those in need; all these will sum up as your past in future. But if you choose to do otherwise, you will always reap what you sow.

If you had had a terrible past, instead of bothering yourself about erasing your past, why don’t you concentrate on what you do or what you can do presently and stay away from the distractions from your past life. You can always be a better person irrespective of your past. Learn from your past experience; it is always there, teach other people not to fall victim and don’t ever repeat your past mistakes.

As from today, always remember to live a life that is remarkable. Ask yourself how your children, grand children and great grand children would feel when they read/hear that you did what you are doing currently. Do something memorable today, sow a seed, support a project, start something that would positively affect the humanity and make the world a better place to live. Just do something today! May your past never ruin you.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Monday 28 September 2015


“Stolen food never satisfies hunger” (Nigerian/Yoruba Proverb)

The food does not necessarily have to be stolen; even if the money or resources used to acquire the food is stolen, the food eventually becomes a stolen food.

Our ancestors believe that you can never be satisfied if the source of your wealth is through dishonesty or from corrupt practices. No matter how rich, privileged or famous you are today, you will soon face the consequence of nature if your source of riches is illegal. One day, the table will turn and the riches would become wretchedness while the grace behind the fame automatically becomes disgraceful.

Every stolen property, money, food or title (position) that you possess today attracts evil spirit to you and those who presently enjoy with you. This spirit eats deep into you and weakens the good spirit within you. Then, as your good spirit becomes weak, it may be very difficult for you to see the light till the die is cast.

As from today, always avoid anything that would require you to lose your self-worth by stooping low to get things through illegal, corrupt or dishonest means. If you don’t have it now, don’t steal it! If you must get it, go get it for real and ensure that you get it in the right way.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Sunday 20 September 2015


“The wealth of the greedy ultimately goes to the community” (Ghanaian proverb)

Greed is a selfish or excessive desire for more than what is needed or deserved, especially of money, wealth, food or other possessions.

Our ancestors believe that a greedy person does not really recognise the imaginary line that differentiates between adequacy and excess. Greedy people will always not be satisfied or contended with their abundant resources until they foolishly lose everything they have earned or acquired.

As from today, always learn to control your selfish or excessive desire to get fame, money, food and material possessions. Whenever the passion becomes excessive, it becomes abnormal. Instead of disturbing yourself by thinking how much you need more, think about those who don’t have anything; think about those who are in debt. Appreciate your creator for what you have now or for where you are now and try to help other people who are not yet there. By helping others, you would eventually learn how to control yourself from diving helplessly into the pool of greed.

Remember that at the end of your journey in life, your name will not be engraved with hot chisel in the anal of history because of the wealth, fame or property that you had greedily acquired but for the people you have inspired, lifted, helped and directly influenced because of your benevolent heart. May you not labour in vain.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

Sunday 13 September 2015


“The day one learns laziness is the day one should learn to endure a painfully empty stomach” (Nigerian & Togolese proverb)

Hurray! The ancestors are here again. Trust me; it is going to be a beautiful week for you.

Have you ever experienced hunger? Have you ever been in need or compelling desire of food? Have you ever stayed all night enduring a painfully empty stomach; weak, restless, passive and hopeless all through? If truly you had experienced real hunger, you wouldn’t want to go there again. It hurts badly.

Our ancestors believe that the key to perpetual hunger or emptiness is laziness. A lazy hand is an empty hand. Emptiness does not only mean lack of food, it is simply the lack of whatever you should have.

If you want to go farther in the journey of life, you need to learn how to work hard and be smart. Don’t ever embrace idleness, don’t be satisfied with little or nothing; always strive for more. Try hard to push your brain, mind, hand and other parts of your body to work before your old days.
Life is good and beautiful but for those who choose not to remain stagnant, useless, lazy and idle. As this week begins today, try hard to experience the beauty of life by moving out of your comfort zone. Come on! Sing that song, write that book, start that project, accept that job offer and push yourself to work. Don’t look at the reward for now, just get it started.

As from this week, remember that “the day one learns laziness is the day one should learn how to endure a painfully empty stomach” May you never be empty!

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!