Sunday 13 September 2015


“The day one learns laziness is the day one should learn to endure a painfully empty stomach” (Nigerian & Togolese proverb)

Hurray! The ancestors are here again. Trust me; it is going to be a beautiful week for you.

Have you ever experienced hunger? Have you ever been in need or compelling desire of food? Have you ever stayed all night enduring a painfully empty stomach; weak, restless, passive and hopeless all through? If truly you had experienced real hunger, you wouldn’t want to go there again. It hurts badly.

Our ancestors believe that the key to perpetual hunger or emptiness is laziness. A lazy hand is an empty hand. Emptiness does not only mean lack of food, it is simply the lack of whatever you should have.

If you want to go farther in the journey of life, you need to learn how to work hard and be smart. Don’t ever embrace idleness, don’t be satisfied with little or nothing; always strive for more. Try hard to push your brain, mind, hand and other parts of your body to work before your old days.
Life is good and beautiful but for those who choose not to remain stagnant, useless, lazy and idle. As this week begins today, try hard to experience the beauty of life by moving out of your comfort zone. Come on! Sing that song, write that book, start that project, accept that job offer and push yourself to work. Don’t look at the reward for now, just get it started.

As from this week, remember that “the day one learns laziness is the day one should learn how to endure a painfully empty stomach” May you never be empty!

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a weekly feed. Follow @our_ancestors email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

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