Wednesday 31 October 2012


‘You can run quicker than an old man but for his wisdom and words, you are behind’

After spending some time to learn how to crawl, stand and walk; many children are usually eager to step to the next level (i.e. the level where they can run freely without any natural limitation). In most cases, when children run, they run beyond control, many of them are not even afraid of falling (even if they fall frequently). Whenever children run, they move speedily, staggering, feeling very happy and free.

When a young athlete runs, many things are involved. The zeal, strength, enthusiasm, speed and determination to run are the natural features that motivate a young athlete. There are practically few things that can hinder a young athlete from running.

When comparing the zeal, strength, and burning passion of little children or young persons with the old folks, we could be tempted to conclude that old people are too lazy to run. Yes, they may be lazy to run because at their age, they are expected to have little or no zeal, strength, enthusiasm, speed and determination to run. But in the actual sense, old people can literarily run faster than little children or young folks based on their wealth of experience while running in their youthful days, their wisdom and words of advice. Instead of running, the old folks prefer to sit back and reflect. While reflecting, they determine how far a young person can go in any race.

Also in life, like the little children and the young athletes, there are several things that motivate us to run faster or quicker than our elders. Your physical strength, your education, your exposure, your skills, your technological or scientific knowledge, your creative ideas and your burning passion to excel in whatever you do are the natural features that motivate you to run faster than the elders.

No matter how good or proficient you are in whatever you choose to do today, you can never be more proficient than your elders. They may not have the physical strength to challenge you; their wealth of experience in life will always speak for them. Some elders may not even be involved in what you do, but while growing up, they might have encountered people with similar or common interest with you. So, when you listen to them, you will definitely run quicker in life.

As from today, never hesitate to respect the words of the elders (some may be senseless to you now, you will make sense out of them as you grow older). Always consider the opinion or advice of the elders before you start running with your best ideas in life. Remember, you can run quicker than an old man but for his wisdom and words, you are behind. May you run and never stagger or stumble in life.

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Tuesday 30 October 2012


‘A black ant will not bite another’ 

The ancestors have chosen to be very brief and precise in their words for today. This is unlike the ancestors; so never hesitate to read and share what you learn today with your friends and loved ones.

Our ancestors believe that black ants do not usually bite another. Instead of biting other ants, black ants are known for their strength in unity, sensitivity to their environment and proactive nature.

Just like the black ants, if you can’t bite others, why don’t you socialize with them? Endeavor to derive some joy and pleasure in assisting other people around you to achieve their dreams today and be sensitive to whatever happens around you. Try to do something special, unique or sacrificial to someone that does not expect something from you today. Also, be ready to help whoever that asks for your help today. Instead of discouraging, insulting, humiliating, provoking, criticizing or condemning the people around you today, try to do something different. Smile, rejoice, encourage, appreciate, enlighten and socialize with the people you meet today and relax to watch the magical effects that your kind gestures would spring forth.

Never forget to share your experience with us as you explore the world today.

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Monday 29 October 2012


‘Bees sting him who loves honey’

Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their producing honey. There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees in seven to nine recognized families, though many are not described and the actual number is probably higher. They are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants.

Although a bee sting can be deadly to those with allergies, virtually all bee species are non-aggressive if undisturbed and many cannot sting at all. Humans are often a greater danger to bees, as bees can be affected or even harmed by encounters with toxic chemicals in the environment. So, it is essential to note here that bees don’t usually sting human except those who are so much in love with honey (the sweet product of a bee).

Like the bees, there are many things that are usually set by nature to sting us if we are so much engrossed in any task. Whatsoever we enjoy doing in life always has its bitter side. So, when we choose to devote our heart, time and energy on anything that we enjoy doing, we are expected to consider how we would tolerate the hardship and pains that may naturally come along with what we have chosen to do.

No doubt, honey is sweet. It has a long history of human consumption, and is used in various foods and beverages as a sweetener and flavoring. It also has a role in religion and symbolism. There are many people today who love honey but are not ready to be stung by the bees.

The insult or criticism you get from your clients as a result of what you enjoy doing at work may be considered as a sting of the bee in your profession, the pains and challenges you encounter in your marriage or relationship may be compared with the sting of a bee, the challenges you face while studying in school before graduating to another level may also be considered as a sting of the bee in your academics. There is no field you choose to passionately explore today that does not have its challenging forces which could be compared to the sting of the bees.

If you choose to abstain from honey because you can’t endure the sting of the bees, your strength is little. It is only the cowardly men who run away from their challenges in life, the brave ones face them. If you quit a job, relationship, contract or any task today because you feel you are not ready to face the painful challenges it attracts, do you know what you would encounter in your next choice of action?

If you want to be happy and fulfilled in life, always endeavor to do the things you enjoy doing and be prepared to endure the challenges that come on your way to fulfillment.

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Sunday 28 October 2012


‘The bush in which you hide has eyes’


Our ancestors believe that whoever or whatever you can see in life has been fortified by nature (either physically or spiritually) with the power to see you. It is only our creator who has the power to see us and remain invisible to us. Although the creator may be invisible, we can only see him and appreciate him by the way we view nature and the amazing gifts of nature.
A man who chooses to hide and find refuge in the bush could be tempted to believe that he is the only one that sees the bush. He may fail to understand that just as he can see the bush, the bush also has the power to see clearly. So, whoever or whatever you choose to hide wherever or however in the bush can never be hidden to the bush. Don’t be deceived, the bush can see you.

Every day, every moment of your life, you are being watched and constantly monitored by nature. There is no hidden place or hidden thing in life. Whatever you choose to do today with your life should no longer be seen as secret. The only secret in life is the one that has never been said or revealed. Once a secret is unraveled to one person (and the only person may be you), it should no longer be seen as secret. Anything that you think you can do secretly will soon be exposed by nature someday. Nature has been designed in a way that whatever you choose to put into it today would be thrown back at you tomorrow.

You can never invest your time into doing bad things secretly and expect to hide it forever. One day, nature will show you or everyone around you whatever you have done in secret. It is possible for you to terrorize, oppress, kill, cheat, deceive and diabolically manipulate people today and come out to present yourself as a perfect man with noble character. Yes, you may think that you have some good and genuine reasons for doing bad things and hiding your identity. Remember that nothing changes the fact that whatever goes around comes around. The evil you choose to do in secret today (for a just cause) will soon bounce back at you (with justifiable reasons) tomorrow.
Also, if you choose to do something good and prefer to hide it today, nature has a special way of rewarding you for your good deeds. No man can hide your good works forever (not even you). At times, when you choose to do some good things in secret, do not be tempted to believe that nobody sees you. Remember, the bush can see; the wall, the air, the sky, the earth and every other gifts of nature are witnesses to your good works. Your reward would soon be publicized.

As from today, stop thinking that you can hide yourself in the bush of life forever. The bush in which you hide has eyes.

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Saturday 27 October 2012


‘Horns do not grow before the head’

Horns usually have a curved or spiral shape, often with ridges or fluting. A horn is a pointed projection of the skin on the head of various animals, consisting of a covering surrounding a core of living bone. Animals usually use their horns to defend themselves from predators and fight members of their own species for territory, dominance or mating priority.

Since horns have been described as an extension or projection of the head; our ancestors believe that they do not grow before the head. This means that without the existence of the head, no animal can grow horns on any other parts of the body.

Many times in life, some of us are given the opportunity by nature to be the horns on the head of our family, school, organization, institution, society or country. We cannot be described as the head because we are more elevated, projected, celebrated, famous and useful than the head. It is a pity that many of us allow our fame and projection in life to saturate our thought to the extent that we forget to acknowledge the privilege given to us by the head. We act as if there were no head and we forget that without the head, we can never exist.

A child who calls his father a foolish or poor man because he feels he is wiser and richer than his father can be related to the horn while his father remains the head. A student who thinks her instructors are not knowledgeable is like the horn while the instructors remain the head. A wife who feels her husband is lazy or useless because she is hardworking, rich and influential is like the horn while the husband remains the head. An employee who thinks he is better and more educated than his boss because his boss is unproductive and stupid is like the horn while the boss remains the head.

No matter how intelligent, rich, active, famous, tall or blessed you are in life, you are not expected to forget your head. If not for your head, you wouldn’t have existed. So, no matter how bad, poor, stupid and irrelevant your head may be to you, it still remains your foundation in life. Remember, it is only the head that has been given the mandate by nature to control the body, not the horns. So, no matter how high you are as a horn, you still remain under the control and influence of your head.

As from today, whenever you feel like growing horns, never forget the words of our ancestors that horns don’t grow before the head. The ancestors have spoken!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Friday 26 October 2012


‘You do not beat the side of a drum when its vellum is there’

Thank God it’s Friday! Did you take your time to read yesterday’s post? I am sure that our ancestors must have inspired a positive change in your life. Today is another wonderful day; so sit back, relax and prepare to learn something new from the ancestors.

Have you ever set your eyes on vellum? Wait; let me describe what it looks like. Vellum is the mammal skin that is usually used to make drums. Vellum is generally smooth and durable, although there are great variations depending on preparation, the quality of the skin and the type of animal used. Vellum can be regarded as the most sensitive and vital part of a drum because a drum without vellum may just be regarded as an ordinary wooden frame.

A drummer is not expected to beat the side of a drum when its vellum is there. The act of beating the side of a drum could be described as a futile effort of the drummer because the actual sound intended to be heard from any quality drum can never be determined by beating its side. The vellum is the only determinant of the audibility of any drum.

Also in life, you can never be heard or known by people if you only choose to beat the side of your drum. There are many people today who may never be famous, rich, influential, powerful or effective in life because of their decision to be comfortable with nothing or to remain ordinary.

There are a lot of masters, rulers, business owners, presidents, inventors, etc. who may never discover themselves till they die because they have chosen to beat the side of the drum of their purpose in life. The rulers and shakers of the world today are people like you but at a time in their life, they chose not to be comfortable with beating the side of the drum of their achievement in life. Hence, they started attracting people’s attention.

The reason why many marriages, businesses, institutions, professionals, ideas, societies, countries and individuals fail today is because their drummers have failed to beat the vellum of the drum. No man beats the vellum of a drum without attracting people’s attention. At times, the only thing you need to do in order to be successful in life is just to do the right thing. If you choose to do the right thing in whatever you do in life, you would earn yourself the ultimate reward of attracting the right people to your life.

As from today, always aim for the best things in life and prepare to do things in the right way. Remember, it is wrong to beat the side of a drum when its vellum is there. May you never beat the side of your drum in life. Please, go for the best!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Thursday 25 October 2012


‘A crab cannot give birth to a bird’

Apart from the pictures above, do you know anything about crabs and birds? Today, the ancestors have chosen to speak to us by enlightening us about two uncommon animals in the animal kingdom. Let’s start with the crabs.

Our ancestors believe that crabs are mostly active animals with complex behavioral patterns. They communicate with one another by drumming or waving their pincers. Crabs tend to be aggressive towards one another and the male crabs often fight to gain access to the females. Crabs do not fly but they typically walk sideways (a behavior which gives us the word crabwise). This is because of the articulation of the legs which makes a sidelong gait more efficient. Some species of crabs could be skilled at swimming but they can’t fly.

Birds on the other hand are special kinds of animal. We may refer to birds as any kind of animal that can fly or animals with feathers. Today, an estimated 300 billion birds belonging to more than 9000 species inhabit virtually every terrestrial habitat on the planet. There are many species of birds that could be found at home, flying above the ground level and in the water as skilled swimmers and divers. Birds range in size from the massive Ostrich to the minute Bee Hummingbird.

From the description of crabs and birds given above, would you still conclude that a crab can give birth to a bird? Yes I believe in transformation, I also believe that impossibility is nothing, but the possibility of a crab reproducing a bird would be very unusual. It would be an emergence of a special kind of crab with feathers.

Naturally, life offers everyone that lives on earth the equal opportunity to choose to live as a crab or a bird. If you choose to live your life as a crab, it means you can only be allowed to walk or move only on the ground. As a crab, you can only communicate and relate with other animals that walk with you on the ground. No matter how hot or cold the ground is, a crab can never fly or do without being on the ground. So, if you choose to live your life as a crab, you will only end up being on the ground forever. It is however a natural responsibility for every crab to learn how to adapt to living peacefully on the ground.

If you are a crab, you are not expected to live your life as a bird. You do not even need to imagine yourself reproducing a bird; except if there is a supernatural transformation. A crab will always get into trouble whenever it attempts to fly because it is not mandated by nature to fly. A crab is not expected to compare itself to birds because if it could take some time to understand its environment, it would discover that whatever pleasure a bird could derive from flying could also be achieved by a crab while walking.

In whatever you do in life or wherever you find yourself, it is always good for you to discover yourself and stick to being yourself. The problem with many people who usually admire to be other persons in life is their failure to realize that they can be as good (or even better) than the people they imitate or those that they attempt to imitate. It is always good for you to discover yourself and keep being yourself; no matter what happens to you on your way to fulfillment in life. You don’t need to start discouraging yourself by predicting your future based on your present predicament. You need to start seeing yourself as a celebrity or role model that many people need to follow in order to be successful in life. Don’t settle for less, any other person apart from you is another person, you may even decide to call the person ‘somebody’ (i.e. some persons waiting to be verified and identified by you). You are the best thing that can happen to humanity, so keep being yourself.

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Wednesday 24 October 2012


‘Walk on a fresh tree, the dry one will break’

From the pictures above, it is very easy to differentiate between a fresh tree and a dry one. A fresh tree is evergreen, it brings forth its fruits in due season, it spreads its branches far and wide, it enriches itself every day,  it is that special tree that is usually planted on a fertile soil by the river side, its leaves never go dry and its roots are deeply buried in the soil.

A dry tree on the other hand is the direct opposite of a fresh tree. A dry tree is a dead tree, it is that kind of tree that has retired from the business of bringing forth fruits; even if it does, its fruits are usually bad, its branches are frail and fragile and its leaves are usually dry.

On a practical note, if you are to walk on any tree, it is better to walk on a fresh one. It will be easier for you to show your stunts and skills on a fresh tree since it is firmly rooted in the soil. However, a walk or show of stunts on a dry tree may be dangerous since its branches are frail and fragile.

In life, a fresh tree may symbolize dynamic ideas, progressive development, current research, multipurpose inventions, dependable solutions, motivations, inspirations or any established platform for greatness. Until you leave your dry tree, you may never step into the next level in life. A man who refuses to accept changes in life is like a man who keeps walking on a dry tree.

Nowadays, many people remain stagnant in their career, profession, business, institution, society, etc. because they refuse to embrace change and welcome new opportunities. There are many parents, students, instructors, entrepreneurs and political leaders who do not accept to use or learn how to use the modern technology because they believe that modern technologies attract violence, immorality and many evil things. Hence, they choose to remain stagnant with their old principles, policies, technology or ideas while the world moves on.

Imagine what would have become of you if you never learnt how to read and write, if you never learnt how to speak any language, if you never learnt how to use a mobile phone, if you never learnt how to use the internet, etc. Would you have died? Never! People don’t usually die of lack of knowledge but they only remain stagnant and irrelevant in life. Remember that there are many people who never bothered to learn all what you know today and some of them may not have the opportunities that you have, but they are still alive.

What makes you progressive in life can never be determined by who you are, what you have or where you are; it is a matter of what you know. Before you can confidently walk on fresh trees, it is essential that you dedicate your life constantly to learning new things. The more you learn, the more you know and the greater you become. The day you stop learning is the day you start dying. Remember, if you don’t start walking on the fresh trees of your life, the dry ones may never break. May your tree never go dry!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Tuesday 23 October 2012


‘Tomorrow makes known to us what tomorrow will bring’

Yes I agree with you that tomorrow is tomorrow. By the time you read this post tomorrow, it should have become yesterday’s post. Tomorrow should be Wednesday (October 24, 2012) and what else can you say about tomorrow?

Change is the only constant thing in life. What if there is no tomorrow? What if the ancestors refuse to speak to us tomorrow? What if the ancestors choose to speak but you are unable to read the post? What if someone just wakes up tomorrow to announce that the days of the week and months of the year will no longer be represented in words but some universally accepted codes? Imagine what would happen to Wednesdays or Octobers. Anytime, anything can happen.

Let’s not get it twisted, truly, nobody knows tomorrow. Tomorrow makes known to us what tomorrow will bring. Whatever you are meant to do today should not be sluggishly transferred to tomorrow. Since you can’t tell what will happen tomorrow, it is always advisable that you do your best today and act as if there is no tomorrow.

Don’t save the money that should be used to save a life or assist someone who is desperately in need of your help because you are afraid of tomorrow. What if tomorrow never comes? What if the life at stake is a visa for your sure entry into the promised land of tomorrow?  Don’t misuse the opportunity you have today because you feel there are better opportunities ahead in the future. What if today’s opportunity is a test for you to step into greater tomorrow? Don’t say negative words against your creator because you feel that what happens to you today may tarnish your image tomorrow. What if the pains, agony and trial you face today has been designed by nature to make you a problem solver or powerful person tomorrow? Don’t conclude that there can never be peace in your home, happiness in your life, unity in your society or honesty among your leaders because of the things that happen today. Remember, anytime, anything can happen. Change rarely announces when it comes, it may come whenever; it may even be tonight or tomorrow.

Never lose hope, don’t give up, today is not the best time to say your last prayers. As long as you are alive, there is always tomorrow. And it is only tomorrow that makes known to us what it will bring along. If you are tired and sad today, don’t let it get into your head, wait for tomorrow.
May you never be disappointed tomorrow!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Monday 22 October 2012


‘He who is being carried does not realize how far the town is’

Have you ever been carried by people, someone or something in life? How does it feel being in the carriage? Yes, I know it is good, funky and enjoyable but at times you may get carried away and fail to realize and acknowledge what makes your journey in the carriage enjoyable.

A journey of hundred miles is nothing to someone who is being carried by an airplane when compared with the person who chooses to be carried by a lorry, bus, car, motorbike or canoe. At times, you may not know how far the journey is until you choose to trek to some places. So, whenever you are carried, don’t get carried away and forget that there are several other options which may not be as easy as the one that works for you.

In life, whenever you feel very comfortable, whenever you find yourself on top of others, whenever you can afford to acquire the good things that many people can’t get easily, whenever you do something that many other people cannot do easily, whenever your name and fame are on the lips of people everywhere you go, whenever most of your dreams in life get fulfilled, you are like the man who is being carried.

The fame, glory, comfort, luxury, wisdom, strength, influence or power that you possess today is not as a result of your intelligence, smartness or bravery; don’t be deceived, you are only being carried by nature. Have you ever considered how painful it is to be the one carrying other people? Do you really take your time to imagine how demoralizing it is to be unknown, uncomfortable, foolish, weak, irrelevant or powerless?

Life is not easy when you view it from outside the carriage. In whatever you do, always remember that life is not a basket of rose, whatever goes around comes around. Today, you may be in the carriage; you do not know where you would be tomorrow. The way you treat the people who are used by nature to carry you today determines how nature itself will treat you tomorrow. Until you view life from the other side, you may not know how to appreciate your creator.

In whatever you do today, always take time to appreciate your creator and share the pains of the people that nature has assigned to carry you. Say a big THANK YOU to your close friends, your parents, your spouse, your followers, your teachers, your neighbors, your house maids, your employees, your boss, your leaders, your drivers, your janitors and of course, our ancestors. May you never fall, fail or fumble in life!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Sunday 21 October 2012


‘He who talks incessantly talks nonsense’

The act of talking is one of the beautiful gifts of nature. Talk is cheap; you are free to say anything you feel like saying whenever you want to say it, wherever and however you want it. Your words can either make you or destroy you. Your words represent you; your words introduce your identity to the world. What you say about yourself and other people determines your personality and totality in life.

Nature has a limit for everything we choose to do in life. When you go beyond the natural limit, whatever you do becomes abnormal. When you drink alcohol beyond the natural limit, you become a drunk, when you take a drug in excess, it becomes an overdose, when you think too much, it may lead to madness, when you eat too much, people would call you a glutton and it may lead to obesity. Also, when you talk incessantly, your words will become verbose and meaningless.

At times, the messages that we pass in silence are louder than the ones that people hear from us when we speak out. We need to watch the way we speak and monitor what we speak to people. Most people that are talkative in nature are not usually good with keeping secrets. They talk about everything they know, some of them even go as far as saying things that they don’t know because they want to beautify their speech.

Our ancestors believe that people who talk about everything, whatever, wherever, whenever and however, do not usually make a noticeable progress in life. Many of them are not honest with what they say; hence they are deprived of the trust, dignity and honor that should be accorded to them by people. Being talkative may attract many friends to you but it can never sustain the friendship. It takes more than talks to build friendship.

If you choose to live by talking, then you need to place value on what comes out of your mouth. Most people who talk nonsense do not actually know that people don’t understand what they say, they just keep on talking. We learn a lot when we listen to our mind than when we speak our mind. At times, it is better and wiser to listen and learn from people instead of being the only one that talks about almost everything all the time.

Please, think twice before you talk today. May your words never put you into trouble.

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Saturday 20 October 2012


‘If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem’

No matter whom you are; where you come from, how you think, what you know or do in life, you are either a problem or solution to the humanity.  Yes, there are too many problems in the world today and there are few solutions available. There is no country in the world that does not have a problem to solve or loop holes to fill. The only edge a country may have over other countries is the availability of relevant solutions to tackle most of the problems on ground.

Our ancestors believe that there are very few solution oriented people in the world today when compared with the number of problems afflicting the humanity. Every day, there are many problems lurking around; when you encounter them, how do you view them? Do you see problems as your setback or hindrances in life or do you see them as an opportunity to greatness? People who cry, murmur, complain and clamor about their problems in life are doing nothing other than creating more problems or alerting the few solution oriented individuals to solve more problems.

Nature only rewards us for the number of problems we have solved and not for the amount of problems we have regenerated. This explains why many wise men will continue to be rich and the reason why many poor men may never break through. A poor man is the man who lives all his life complaining about his problems and advertising his problems while a rich man is the man who listens to the poor man’s problems, works on them and creates something worthwhile out of each of the problems.

Now, ask yourself, how many problems have you created in life and how many problems have you solved? Are you usually comfortable with the way you complain and nag over the irregularities in your home, malpractice in your school, corruption in your country, inefficiency at your place of work, etc. or do you see them as an opportunity to make a difference and do something that others can emulate? Do you see yourself as a special citizen who must be fed and pampered by the government, employers or by some rulers or do you see yourself as an ordinary citizen who lives to solve problems for his/her country, company or community?

Remember, life will be pleasurable to live if there are more solutions than the problems we create. You can’t solve a problem by creating more problems, you can’t stop any war by creating more missiles, you can’t quench any fire by fueling the fire, you can’t win an argument by creating more arguments, there is negativity in arousing hostility…the world needs you to be a solution to the horrible situation that comes staring at you. Do something positive about it!
Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Friday 19 October 2012


‘When the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into a ditch’

Before you read the next line of this post, could you please do me a favor? Kindly take a second glance at the pictures above. Good! Did you just do that? Now, I have just confirmed that you are not blind. Are you?

Actually, today’s message is not meant for the blind, it is for those people who have eyes but cannot see beyond what they can see now. Our ancestors have chosen to speak to those who can only reflect on their past, focus on what can be seen presently, but have no eyes for the future.

Our ancestors believe that a blind person is not only the person who doesn’t see; he/she is the person who can’t see beyond today. A blind person is the person who is always afraid and confused about the future. When you see a blind person, you can easily identify him/her. Blind people depend on other people for direction; they can’t walk or move without being lead by someone. A blind person may know where to go, but he/she does not know how to get there. The painful thing about being blind is that a blind person can’t easily identify those who can see clearly.

In life today, many of us live our lives like the blind. We are afraid and confused about what the future holds for us. Some of us know where to go, but we don’t know how to get there. We depend on friends, situations, elders, teachers, parents, leaders and our superiors for direction. But the painful thing is that most of the friends, elders, teachers, leaders and other people we depend on for direction are not different from us. Many of us have fallen into the ditch as a result of our wrong choice of leaders.

Whatever or whoever you welcome into your life has the tendency to influence your life and affect your future.  Some people will walk into your life in order to blindfold you, while some people are in your life to illuminate your vision. Always think twice before making the decision of accepting people into your life. If you blindly accept people to lead your home, your career and your life, you may be on the road to destruction.

If you must follow anyone today, follow @our_ancestors on twitter and learn how to live a fulfilled life on a daily basis. Have you clicked the follow button? May you not fall into the ditch!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Thursday 18 October 2012


‘Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream’

Nature always offers everyone on earth the opportunity to choose to live in one out of the two worlds that exist in life. There is a dream world and the real world.

The dream world is always over populated with people that share common goals and ambition in life. The dream world is the home of ideas, inspirations, potential greatness, business proposals, feasibility studies, ambitions, amazing expectations and awesome plans for the future.

However, the real world is totally different from the dream world. Only few people live in the real world. The few people that live in the real world control the billions of people who sleep and snore in the dream world. The real world is the home of action, discovery, invention, creativity, achievements, productivity, project implementation and a place where most dreams (especially the genuine ones) are fulfilled.

If you are not careful, it may be very difficult for you to know which world that you belong. Until you actualize and activate your dreams, you can never exist in the real world. If all you choose to do in life is to dream, then talk or brag about your dreams; you are nothing but a sleeper. Until you wake from your sleep and start living your dreams, you may die in your sleep.

People are not interested in your dreams, it only shows the wise ones how lazy or stupid you are. Imagine what the world would look like if everybody chooses to sleep and dream, then talk about dreams and no one decides to actualize the dreams. That means we will only talk about the discovery of the internet, the idea of inventing a computer, an imaginary electricity, unsung songs, unpublished novels, etc.

At times, what you need to transform from being a sleeper/dreamer to an achiever may not be money, it may not even be the crowd that you expected. Action, persistence and a bold step forward may be your suitable key for opening the door to the real world. As from today, start living your dream, don’t sleep over it.

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Wednesday 17 October 2012


‘The crab has no head because of bad friends’

Crabs are usually very watchful of their environment, they observe every step they take in other to avoid trouble. There is always a big competition and struggle for survival in the crab kingdom.

A male crab is naturally very aggressive with other male crabs while struggling to mate with a female crab. Crabs are always very sensitive because they struggle to eat, they struggle to mate, they struggle to hide in dark holes and in all, they struggle to survive.

Our ancestors believe that crabs are so safety conscious that they willingly sacrifice their heads for two bright eyes. Apart from crabs, snails and some few creatures, every other animal have their eyes plastered on their head.

In life, there are many instances that we may need to sacrifice many things in our body for good sight. We need to be very vigilant and observant about anything that happens around us. We need to watch the kind of food we eat, what we drink, what we wear, what we see, where we go and the people we relate with. Like the crab kingdom, there are several enemies around. These friendly enemies are always ready to distract your focus in life and end up destroying you. If you are not very vigilant in the way you relate with the people you see around you and the things that happen to you, you may soon fall into the opponent’s trap.

Like the crabs, your eyes symbolize a healthy vision and an illuminative future. Take good care of your eyes and always be conscious of whatever happens in your environment. Think, create, work, see, move, lead, read, learn, talk, cry, laugh and relate with other people with your eyes, not your head. Make your eyes the door and mirror of your mind. Remember, you can’t see your head without your eyes; so whenever people ask ‘where is your head?’ you can go ahead and say it is in your eyes. May you never go blind!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Tuesday 16 October 2012


‘A cockroach knows how to sing and dance, but it is the hen that prevents it from performing its art during the day’

No matter how healthy or stubborn a cockroach is, it is always a prey to the hen. The existence of a hen is usually a threat to the kingdom of cockroach; even the king-cockroach trembles.

Yes, the cockroach can fly, dance and entertain other cockroaches, but when the ‘almighty hen’ approaches, everything changes. Only the fittest survives.

At times in life, many of us could be related to a cockroach. Some of us are very creative, skillful, knowledgeable, attractive, talented, entertaining, powerful or wealthy. So, like the cockroach, we fly, talk, sing, dance, write, lead, think and do many things to impress people. Some of us are so much engrossed in exhibiting the skills that we possess that we forget to acknowledge the existence of the ‘almighty hen’.

No matter how skillful, intelligent, knowledgeable, wise, rich or powerful you are at home, school, work or in the world today, there is always a hen you have not encountered. Every cockroach that exists on earth today has a hen attached to it by nature. So, as cockroaches, we need to be mindful of what we do; how we do, when we do and where we do several things in life. Our ancestors believe that there is always a time for the cockroach and a time for the hen. If a cockroach refuses to wait for its time, it may end up being swallowed by the hen.

As from today, whenever you feel like being the best husband, the best wife, the most influential person, the greatest musician, the richest person on earth, the best student, the most powerful leader or the most respected person in your career or field of interest, always remember that there is a hen around you. So, wait for your time.

A cockroach knows how to sing and dance, but it is the hen that prevents it from performing its art during the day. Your time is here! The hen can’t hold you forever.

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Monday 15 October 2012


‘A watched pot never boils’


Have you ever taken your time to observe the boiling process of water while cooking? When we boil water on fire, we do not usually sit to watch how the water boils. Most of us prefer to do other things after setting the pot on fire. Except in some cases when we feel our kitchen is unsecured or when we feel desperately hungry, we are not likely to sit and watch while water boils on the fire.

If we could observe closely, we would discover that those instances when we choose to focus on the food/water that we set on fire, we are not usually patient enough to wait till the water gets fully boiled.

Similarly in life, when we focus all our attention on the reward or award, we may be distracted from doing the job well. Imagine what would become of a footballer who focuses on the score board and refuses to concentrate on how to score goals. Imagine what would become of an employee who chooses to focus on his/her salary and refuses to be committed to the job that would yield the salary.

Many businesses today fold up because the business owners focus on the profit and refuse to concentrate on the business. Many entrepreneurs prefer to go into business because of the cars they want to buy, the houses they want to buy and the comfort and respect they dream to derive from the business. Hence, they fail to operate on the primary objective of a business which is to deliver a qualitative service. This is why most entrepreneurs consider folding up even when they shouldn’t have done so. When your focus is on the profit or goodies, you will end up making impatient decisions because you would be too anxious about spending the money you have never earned.

Also, in most African countries today, many of us are sad, agitated, disappointed and clamoring because we feel that our political leaders have failed us. Most of our criticisms against our leaders could be as a result of what we see, read or hear about other countries. We have high expectations and demand the best from our leaders. The truth is that some of the vices in our country are also found elsewhere. If we continue to criticize and condemn our leaders for not doing the right thing, our pot may never boil. Let’s think twice before we choose who would lead us and think deeply before condemning anyone who is chosen. In some ways; at home, at school, while at work, in our relationship with others, most of us are also guilty of the allegations we raised against our leaders.

As from today, always endeavor to do the right thing at the right time and never watch anybody. At times, it is better to correct people by the good things we do than to correct them by the good (but demoralizing) words we say against them.

May the spirit of our ancestors watch over you and lead you not to the path of destruction!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Sunday 14 October 2012


‘A roaring lion kills no game’

Either you like it or hate it, every lion must roar. Why? It is natural. Nobody teaches a lion to roar, it is in-built. When a lion roars, every other animal in the forest tremble. In fact, they do not only trembles, they run away for survival. So, in most cases, our ancestors believe that the roaring of a lion hinders it from killing any game in the forest.

In several instances in life, most of us are tempted to brag about what we do, what we have, where we live and how successful we are. People usually brag about their educational qualification, profession, skills, religion, achievements and many other things because they feel they have what others do not have. Like the lion, it is natural for every human being to possess an ego that would enable one to differentiate oneself from others. So, if you have not discovered your ‘roaring identity’, check yourself, you may not be man enough.

What the ancestors have for us today is not that ‘lions kill no game’, but ‘a roaring lion kills no game’. If a lion chooses not to do other things but to roar, the lion may soon die of starvation. If a man decides not to do other things apart from bragging about himself, the man may soon lose people’s patronage.

It is better for us to focus on doing the right thing and allow our good works to do the bragging. People appreciate things or ideas that speak for themselves. Let your work, clients, achievements, people and idea speak for you, don’t just brag about them. People who make money from bragging are usually disappointed by nature.

 Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Saturday 13 October 2012


‘Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped’

There is a very big difference between someone who falls and someone who slips. We have heard about people who fall from the tree, even recently it was on the news that a man committed suicide by falling from a ten storey building. Whenever someone falls, there is usually a noticeable spot that indicates the fall.

On the other hand, if you could observe closely, you would notice that before a man slips, he would have once fallen at a spot. This explains why you fall on a slippery ground before you slip. So, when you fall, you are most likely to be at the same spot but when you slip, you move to another spot. A man who slips does not only fall, but he falls forward.

In life, we are not expected to focus our attention on our short comings or downfall. We cannot move forward if we keep limiting ourselves by our weaknesses and inabilities. The greatest people in the world today are people who refused to concentrate on where they fell, but focused on their strength and things they can influence in life.

You may not have the best look, you may not have the height you desire, you may not have the nose you admire, you may not have the sonorous voice, you may not have the first class brain, you may not have the shape you adore, you may not have the background you wanted, your education may not be the best that you craved for, you may not study the course that you expected, your grade in school may not be good enough to get you the job that you desire…don’t look where you fell, but where you slipped.

What are the things that push you forward in life? It may be your sense of reasoning, your faith in the creator, it may be your intelligence (not academic strength), it may be your talent, your creative ideas or passion to move on.

The only two presidents (with university degree) that we have had in Nigeria did not study the courses that most students would like to study. They did not study political science or strategic management. The richest man in Africa today did not study Business Administration or Money Management. The country with the most fertile land in the world today is still a developing country. There are many successful people in the world today who had fallen at the same spot you fell, but they refused to remain at the spot. They slip instead of falling.

Today, do you still want to consider where you fell?

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Friday 12 October 2012


‘If you are too smart to pay the doctor, you had better be too smart to get well’


When a sick man refuses to pay his doctor because he feels that he is more knowledgeable than his doctor, it means that such a man must be wise enough to cure himself. He shouldn’t have bothered to consult the doctor at all.

Like the sick man illustrated above, there are several instances in our life that we strive to outsmart our creator, our superiors, our partners or people that offer to assist us. Whenever we are in trouble, we easily call on our creator for assistance, but when the problem is solved, many of us prove to be smarter than our creator by refusing to appreciate the good things bestowed on us. Many of us even fail to remember that we had ever been in trouble before. Some of us neglect those that are looking up to us for similar assistance when we are already made. We go as far as insulting them or condemning them for not being wise enough to get out of trouble.

There are several instances when some of us feel that we are greater than our superiors at home, at school or at work. We allow the thought of being too smart to reflect in everything we do, hence we end up facing the consequences of insubordination. In order to have influence in life, you first need to be influenced by others. Humble yourself by acknowledging that you can be impulsive, undisciplined and unruly in some cases. Then strive to transform those weaknesses into strengths.

As a wife, if you believe you can outsmart your husband because of your level of education or social influence, you may be getting it wrong. You should not have bothered to accept his marriage proposal at first. No matter how foolish your husband may seem to be, remember how wise and brave he was when he chose to break the ice of being the only guy to win your heart among several options. Remember the very first day that you accepted to humble yourself before him by accepting him as your husband (even if it was by force, you eventually became a loyal victim of his forceful appeal).

On the other hand, a man who refuses to perform his responsibility as the man of the house because he believes that he is smarter than his wife is not worthy of his woman’s respect. If a man chooses to bully his wife and threaten to kill her because he feels he is stronger than her, such a man shouldn’t have settled to marry a woman at first, he should have married a lioness or a rock. With the help of the lioness, he could achieve his dream of becoming the world’s strongest husband.

A debtor who refuses to pay up his debt because he feels that he is smarter than the creditor has only forgotten how badly he needed the money when he was begging for loan. If truly he is smarter, he shouldn’t have asked for loan. All his wisdom will only end him up behind the closed door.

In whatever you do today, don’t be too smart to admit your faults. Remember, ‘if you are too smart to pay the doctor, you had better be too smart to get well’. Our ancestors have spoken!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Thursday 11 October 2012


‘Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors’

When the surface of the sea is smooth; with no waves, no tides and challenging storm, there is no difference between any sailor that travels on such sea with a motor cyclist or driver on the road. The waves, tides and storm on the sea are all natural essentialities that help to make sailing interesting, remarkable and fulfilling. The strength of any sailor cannot be measured by the ability to avoid the turbulence on the journey to fulfillment but by the willingness to learn, tolerate and find pleasure in every challenge he encounters on the voyage.

Life will be boring if there is no rich intermixture of tragedy and comedy. Whatever you may be experiencing today could be part of the tragedy of life. It is never intended to end your life; it is just another lesson for you to learn in life. You need to learn how to persevere and find pleasure in every challenge that the nature throws at you. One day, there will be comedy relief.

All over the world, there are no great sailors, great leaders, successful entrepreneurs, happy families and extra ordinary people without a challenging story behind their greatness. If you want to be successful in life, you need to take note of whatever happens to you today because they will make up your success story tomorrow.

So, if what you spend most of your time doing is not challenging or threatening (filled with suspense), you may need to think twice about it. At times when you start greatly, you may end up falling greatly. Remember, ‘smooth seas do not make skillful sailors’.

Do you still mind if it is smooth or rough?

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @ancestors on twitter or May your days be plenty!

Wednesday 10 October 2012


‘Until the lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter’

Have you ever had the opportunity to listen to a tale of hunting by a professional hunter? It is usually very interesting. Hunters are very good in narrating their self glorifying experiences while hunting. They use several imageries and illustrations to portray how skillful and powerful they are while hunting. Some of them may go as far as telling you how they killed ten lions with just an arrow (incredible, isn’t it?). Now, imagine what would have happened if lions could speak like human. What would become of the hunters’ exaggerated tale if lions could have their historians who would narrate from the lions’ perspective?

Whenever many of us experience some difficulties in life, most of us smartly present our case before people and we are most likely to justify some of the good things we have done. Many of us even go as far as saying our creator is wicked, partial or selfish for not providing what we need at the time we need them.

In most countries nowadays, many of us depend on our leaders to provide everything we need. We want good roads, sufficient food, good water, constant power supply, qualitative education, adequate job opportunities, health facilities, security, etc. In a bid to defending our rights as patriotic citizens, most of us see our leaders as fraudsters and dishonest people. We may even go as far as concluding that our nation can never be developed.

But, unfortunately for most of us, we usually forget those instances that we fail to do some things to glorify our creator and help other people that are depending on us for help. If our creator or some of our leaders could choose to address some personal/critical issues in our lives, we would realize how we have failed to carry out some essential responsibilities in life. Some of us are dishonest with the little tasks entrusted in our hands at home, schools or office but we fail to admit our dishonesty. Before you criticize other people, ask yourself how credible you are to the people you see around you.

Our ancestors have spoken! May you live long!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!

Tuesday 9 October 2012


‘Only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet’

From what you can see above, it is obvious that there are different kinds of river. Some rivers are very big and wide while some are not too big. Some rivers are deep while some are shallow. You cannot tell the depth of a river by just looking at the surface of the river. If you are not careful, you may get drowned.

Life is like a river, we all need to test its depth before fetching from or swimming in it. The first foot that you immerse in the river of life can be regarded as your experience and opportunity to learn. It is just a test; you can’t get drowned with only a foot in the river of life. Except you choose to be foolish, you are not expected to dive into the river of life without testing the depth of the river.

At times, the new friends that you meet can be related to your river of life. Some friends are deep while some are shallow. Don’t jump at friendship proposals or give people your whole heart except you have tested their depth. Some friends could be as deep as some dangerous river, if you choose to swim in them or with them; you may end up getting drowned in life. Apart from friendship, some juicy business ideas may appear to be very lucrative at first sight but turn out to be deceptive and disastrous. Don’t be too foolish to jump into the river of riches; you need to test the depth of the river before you start swimming.

In your journey in life, it is better to learn from circumstances and situations around than to get drowned by lack of experience. Always remember the words of our ancestors for today; only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet. May you swim and never get drowned!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter or email: May your days be plenty!