Wednesday 10 October 2012


‘Until the lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter’

Have you ever had the opportunity to listen to a tale of hunting by a professional hunter? It is usually very interesting. Hunters are very good in narrating their self glorifying experiences while hunting. They use several imageries and illustrations to portray how skillful and powerful they are while hunting. Some of them may go as far as telling you how they killed ten lions with just an arrow (incredible, isn’t it?). Now, imagine what would have happened if lions could speak like human. What would become of the hunters’ exaggerated tale if lions could have their historians who would narrate from the lions’ perspective?

Whenever many of us experience some difficulties in life, most of us smartly present our case before people and we are most likely to justify some of the good things we have done. Many of us even go as far as saying our creator is wicked, partial or selfish for not providing what we need at the time we need them.

In most countries nowadays, many of us depend on our leaders to provide everything we need. We want good roads, sufficient food, good water, constant power supply, qualitative education, adequate job opportunities, health facilities, security, etc. In a bid to defending our rights as patriotic citizens, most of us see our leaders as fraudsters and dishonest people. We may even go as far as concluding that our nation can never be developed.

But, unfortunately for most of us, we usually forget those instances that we fail to do some things to glorify our creator and help other people that are depending on us for help. If our creator or some of our leaders could choose to address some personal/critical issues in our lives, we would realize how we have failed to carry out some essential responsibilities in life. Some of us are dishonest with the little tasks entrusted in our hands at home, schools or office but we fail to admit our dishonesty. Before you criticize other people, ask yourself how credible you are to the people you see around you.

Our ancestors have spoken! May you live long!

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