Wednesday 17 October 2012


‘The crab has no head because of bad friends’

Crabs are usually very watchful of their environment, they observe every step they take in other to avoid trouble. There is always a big competition and struggle for survival in the crab kingdom.

A male crab is naturally very aggressive with other male crabs while struggling to mate with a female crab. Crabs are always very sensitive because they struggle to eat, they struggle to mate, they struggle to hide in dark holes and in all, they struggle to survive.

Our ancestors believe that crabs are so safety conscious that they willingly sacrifice their heads for two bright eyes. Apart from crabs, snails and some few creatures, every other animal have their eyes plastered on their head.

In life, there are many instances that we may need to sacrifice many things in our body for good sight. We need to be very vigilant and observant about anything that happens around us. We need to watch the kind of food we eat, what we drink, what we wear, what we see, where we go and the people we relate with. Like the crab kingdom, there are several enemies around. These friendly enemies are always ready to distract your focus in life and end up destroying you. If you are not very vigilant in the way you relate with the people you see around you and the things that happen to you, you may soon fall into the opponent’s trap.

Like the crabs, your eyes symbolize a healthy vision and an illuminative future. Take good care of your eyes and always be conscious of whatever happens in your environment. Think, create, work, see, move, lead, read, learn, talk, cry, laugh and relate with other people with your eyes, not your head. Make your eyes the door and mirror of your mind. Remember, you can’t see your head without your eyes; so whenever people ask ‘where is your head?’ you can go ahead and say it is in your eyes. May you never go blind!

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