Thursday 25 October 2012


‘A crab cannot give birth to a bird’

Apart from the pictures above, do you know anything about crabs and birds? Today, the ancestors have chosen to speak to us by enlightening us about two uncommon animals in the animal kingdom. Let’s start with the crabs.

Our ancestors believe that crabs are mostly active animals with complex behavioral patterns. They communicate with one another by drumming or waving their pincers. Crabs tend to be aggressive towards one another and the male crabs often fight to gain access to the females. Crabs do not fly but they typically walk sideways (a behavior which gives us the word crabwise). This is because of the articulation of the legs which makes a sidelong gait more efficient. Some species of crabs could be skilled at swimming but they can’t fly.

Birds on the other hand are special kinds of animal. We may refer to birds as any kind of animal that can fly or animals with feathers. Today, an estimated 300 billion birds belonging to more than 9000 species inhabit virtually every terrestrial habitat on the planet. There are many species of birds that could be found at home, flying above the ground level and in the water as skilled swimmers and divers. Birds range in size from the massive Ostrich to the minute Bee Hummingbird.

From the description of crabs and birds given above, would you still conclude that a crab can give birth to a bird? Yes I believe in transformation, I also believe that impossibility is nothing, but the possibility of a crab reproducing a bird would be very unusual. It would be an emergence of a special kind of crab with feathers.

Naturally, life offers everyone that lives on earth the equal opportunity to choose to live as a crab or a bird. If you choose to live your life as a crab, it means you can only be allowed to walk or move only on the ground. As a crab, you can only communicate and relate with other animals that walk with you on the ground. No matter how hot or cold the ground is, a crab can never fly or do without being on the ground. So, if you choose to live your life as a crab, you will only end up being on the ground forever. It is however a natural responsibility for every crab to learn how to adapt to living peacefully on the ground.

If you are a crab, you are not expected to live your life as a bird. You do not even need to imagine yourself reproducing a bird; except if there is a supernatural transformation. A crab will always get into trouble whenever it attempts to fly because it is not mandated by nature to fly. A crab is not expected to compare itself to birds because if it could take some time to understand its environment, it would discover that whatever pleasure a bird could derive from flying could also be achieved by a crab while walking.

In whatever you do in life or wherever you find yourself, it is always good for you to discover yourself and stick to being yourself. The problem with many people who usually admire to be other persons in life is their failure to realize that they can be as good (or even better) than the people they imitate or those that they attempt to imitate. It is always good for you to discover yourself and keep being yourself; no matter what happens to you on your way to fulfillment in life. You don’t need to start discouraging yourself by predicting your future based on your present predicament. You need to start seeing yourself as a celebrity or role model that many people need to follow in order to be successful in life. Don’t settle for less, any other person apart from you is another person, you may even decide to call the person ‘somebody’ (i.e. some persons waiting to be verified and identified by you). You are the best thing that can happen to humanity, so keep being yourself.

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