Sunday 7 October 2012


'A man who lives on the bank of a river does not use spittle to wash his hands'

Have you ever tried to wash anything with your spittle? I’m sure you wouldn’t want to try it. Your spittle is the watery mixture of secretions from the salivary and oral mucous glands that lubricates chewed food and moistens the wall of your mouth. So, it is ideal to wash with water and not spittle.

A man who lives on the bank of a river is like someone who has more than enough. You do not go to the river only for washing your hands; you can fetch some water, bathe yourself, drink, and store enough water from the river for yourself and other people. These means that if you live on the bank of the river, you should not be deprived of water or you should not deprive yourself of water. No matter how you see it, your spittle shouldn’t be an alternative to water when it comes to washing your hand.

Our ancestors believe that every human on earth has a bank of river inside of him. Whatever you choose to do with what you fetch from the fountain that flows within you depends on you. Your brain is a practical example of the river that flows within you. The depth of the river is not determined by the size of your brain or the shape of your head but what flows from the river (i.e. what you do with your brain). Do you only wash your hands or do you do other things with the water from the river within you? If all you do is to wash your hands in the river, please wash it thoroughly.

Unfortunately, there are many people in life who refuse to discover the river within them. Some even die without drinking from the bank of river that flows within them. There are some miserable men who would prefer to wash their hands with spittle instead of water. There is another group of people who enjoy washing their hands with the water that flows from other people’s bank without discovering their own river.

Are you deprived of water? Don’t wash with your spittle, start searching for the fountain that flows within you. Don’t settle for the inferior when you have the best within your reach.

Until you discover the river within you, you may not realize that you don’t need to wait until your country changes for good before you start making yourself relevant to your country. Until you identify the fountain that flows within you, you may not realize that you don’t need to be a college graduate or university professor before you start exploring the potentials in your brain.

In whatever you do today, remember that a man who lives on the bank of a river does not use spittle to wash his hands.

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