Monday 24 September 2012


A performing masquerade who tries too hard to outclass his colleagues may expose his anus.

Today, I won’t dwell much on this topic because it is a very busy day for me. Besides, I think the words of our ancestors for today are self explanatory. 

In Africa, masquerades are usually known to exhibit dancing skills, acrobatics and other ritual manifestations. A masquerade may involve one person or a team made up of instrument players, vocalists, dancers, masquerade advisers and the masquerade itself. Most masquerades like the ones in the picture above are covered from head to toe with some piece of clothing or bamboo rafter. Masquerades appear during traditional celebrations and festivals (new yam festival).

In several instances in life, like a performing masquerade who tries to flaunt his dancing and acrobatic skills in other to impress the crowd, we forget our purpose of existence. The main objective of every masquerade is to entertain the crowd. There is much fun in exhibiting your skills in life if you know how to do it well. A masquerade who strives so hard to outclass his colleagues must have forgotten the rule of the game. The golden rule is: Never forget the main objective.

Like most African masquerades, life is nothing but a stage where we all perform our God given skills. Everyone is expected to exhibit his or her talents here on earth and the main objective of the exhibition is to make the world a better place for living. You don’t need to destroy your competitors before you are known. You don’t have to intentionally step on people’s toes before you create an impression. How do you see your competitors in your hustle in life? Do you see them as your enemies of progress or factors of production? Do you see them as a big threat or as valuable motivators? Are they your stumbling block or your stepping stone? Do you see them as your envious friends or your secret admirers? The way you see your competitors determines how progressive you will be in the competition. If you are not careful, you may fumble and turn out to be a failure at the long run. Once you begin to get the main objective twisted, your crowd will start mocking you instead of applauding you.

Why give in the needless stress? If your goal is to do it well (not just to do it better), you will never fumble or miss the target. Never struggle to make an impression, if what you have got is actually impressive, the world will make a way for you.
I think this is just the right word for everyone today (straight from the ancestors), especially the politicians. How do you convince me that you can do better than the incumbent political leader? Is it by the way you shout or the ways you present your criticism? Is it by the level of your intelligence or the application of the intelligence? By their works we shall know them. Remember the golden rule? Never forget the main objective, just do it well!

Don't start your day without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @kurlarday on twitter or May your days be plenty!


  1. Hmmmm. I hope one day I'l meet the one who wrote this mindblowing article. I'l never go a day without a word from the ancestors. This makes me feel Guided in every step I take.
