Sunday 29 June 2014


“It is useless to warn one who has made up his mind” (Angola)

A mind that is already made up is 99% locked up. It takes only the creator to use the remaining 1% to pull it down. So, as you set out this week, always watch out for those who have made up their mind towards anything. Instead of wasting your time by trying to warn them to desist from whatever they do, why not think of possible alternatives of helping them out instead of warning or advising them.

There are some people who need to learn from being a victim of certain circumstances, until they face the consequences, your warning or advice would mean nothing to them. But if you discover that what a partner, colleague at work or a stranger has made up his/her mind to do is likely to put many people in danger, it is advisable that you take a bold step by reporting to the authority or whomsoever that can prosecute or restrict the person from causing disaster.

This week, may you never be a victim of disaster. It’s going to be a favourable week for you.

Don't start your week without a word from the ancestors...remember, a word is enough for the wise. Sign up with us for a daily feed. Follow @our_ancestors on twitter, email: or call 08180458852. May your days be plenty!

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