Monday 26 November 2012


‘A farmer who would not work inside the rain and would not work under the sun would have nothing to harvest at the end of the farming year’

It is natural for every farmer to face the challenge of either the rain or sunshine during the process of cultivation. It takes only a hard working farmer to ignore the challenges that are thrown at him by rain or sunshine while working on the farmland. The lazy farmers on the other hand usually hide under the excuse of nature.

Our ancestors believe that a farmer who would not work inside the rain and under the sun would have nothing to harvest at the end of the farming. This means that the farmer who usually hides under the excuses of nature would eventually go hungry and starve for food while the diligent ones would feed richly on their bountiful harvest.

Like the lazy farmer, there are several instances that we fail to perform our duties or to be active in some tasks which would require us to make a living. Many of us are usually fond of giving flimsy excuses when we are supposed to do something reasonable.

There are many people today who decide not to go to school or broaden their knowledge because they think they are poor or because they think that they cannot afford to sponsor their education. These people end up walking behind their colleagues in life while others are flying forward.

Also, there are many jobless people today in our society who feel that since they have acquired certain skills or knowledge; the government and private corporations have the right to create adequate jobs for them. These people may be right in some sense, but instead of folding one’s arm for the right job to come, it is better for one to start doing something reasonable with whatever skill or knowledge that one has acquired. If truly you believe in what you can do (depending on what you think you have acquired) there are several means in which you can let everyone around you know the stuff you are really made of. There are many people today who got their dream job as a result of recommendation from people who believe in them based on what they have done and not what they can do.

Excuses have a way of overwhelming people. If you continue to fold your arms and expect something good to come to you, you may end up living your life like the lazy farmer who has nothing to eat on the day of harvest.

We can also view the words of our ancestors for today from the perspective of relationship. A man or woman who carefully searches for a partner who is decent, clean, faithful, well cultured, civilized, educated, fashionable, hard working, humble, kind, nice, beautiful/handsome, rich and God fearing, may end up marrying nobody.

Stop hiding under flimsy excuses. There are many people out there who choose to ignore most of the things that you count as excuses for not moving forward; yet they are doing greatly in what you have failed to do. Life is not worth living if we do not learn how to tolerate and manage other people’s differences. There are no perfect human or perfect situations in life, until you break the ice and start ignoring some excuses that are pulling you back in life, there may be no reasonable harvest for you. May you not waste your potentials in the land of excuses.

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